Komi PV (1992).
Stretch-Shortening Cycle.
In: Strength and Power in Sport. Edited by Komi PV. The Encyclopaedia of
sports medicine. Blackwe..scientific publications, Oxford.
Kyr?l?inen H, Avela J, McBride JM, Koskinen S, Andersen JL, Sipil?
S, Takala TES, Komi PV (2005).
Effects of power training on muscle structure and neuromuscular
performance. Scand J Med Sci Sports 15: 58–64.
Kyr?l?inen H, Avela J, McBride JM, Koskinen S, Andersen JL, Sipil?
S, Takala TES, Komi PV (2004).
Effects of power training on mechanical efficiency in jumping.
Eur J Appl Physiol 91: 155–159.
List of KOMI publications in PDF
Selection of References on Strength
and Power in Sport
Komi, P.V. (1982). Exercise and Sport Biology. International Series on
Sport Sciences, v.12. Human Kinetics Pub.
Aura, O. & Komi, P. V. (1986a) Mechanical efficiency of pure positive
and pure negative work with special reference to the work intensity
.International Journal of Sports Medicine, 7, 44.
Aura, 0. & Komi, P.V. (1986b) Effects of prestretch intensity on
mechanical efficiency of positive work and on elastic behavior of
skeletal muscle in stretch-shortening cycle exercise. International
Journal of Sports Medicine, 7, 137.
Bosco, C., Ito, A., Komi, P. V., Luhtanen, P., Rahki1a, P., Rusko, H.
& Viitasalo, J.T. (1982) Neuromuscular function and mechanical
efficiency of human leg extensor muscles during jumping exercise.
Acta Phy5iologica scandinavica, 114,543-50.
Gollhofer, A., Komi, P.V., Fujitsuka, N. &Miyashita, M. (1987a)
Fatigue during stretch-shortening cycle exercises. II. Changes in
neuromuscular activation pattems of human skeletal muscle.
International Journal. of sport5 Medicine, 8 (suppl. ), 38-47.
Go1lhofer, A., Komi, P. V., Miyashita, M. & Aura, O. (1987b) Fatigue
during stretch-shortening cycle exercise. I. Changes in mechanical
performance of human skeletal muscle. International Journal of
sports Medicine, 8, 71-8.
Gregor, R.J., Komi, P. V., Browing, R.C. & Jarvinen, M (1991) A
comparison of the triceps surale and residual muscle moments at the
ankle during cycling. Journal of Biomechanic5, 24,287-97.
Gregor, R.J., Komi, P.V. & Jarvinen, M. (1987) Achilles tendon forces
during cycling. International Journal of sport5 Medicine, 8
(suppl.), 9-14.
Ito, A., Komi, P.V., sjodin, B., Bosco, C. & Karlsson J. (1983)
Mechanical efficiency of positive work in running at different
speeds. Medicine and science in sport5 and Exerci5e, 4, 299-308.
Kaneko, M., Komi, P.V. & Aura, 0. (1984) Mechanical efficiency of
concentric and eccentric exercises performed with medium to fast
contraction rates. scandinavian Journal of sport5 science5, 6(1),
Komi, P. V. (1973) Measurement of the force-velocity relationship in
human muscle under concentric and eccentric contractions. In
Medicine and Sport, Vol. 8, Biomechanic5 IIl, pp. 224-9. Karger,
Komi, P. V. (1984) Physiological and biomechanical correlates of
muscle function: effects of muscle structure and stretch-shortening
cycle on force and speed. In R.L. Terjung (ed.) Exercise and Sport
Sciences Reviews, Vol. 12, pp. 81-121. Collamore Press, Lexington,
Komi, P. V. (1986) Training of muscle strength and power: interaction
of neuromotoric, hypertrophic, and mechanical factors. International
Journal of Sports Medicine, 7 (suppl.), 10.
Komi, P. V. (1990) Relevance of in vivo force measurements to human
biomechanics. Journal of Biomechanics, 23 (suppl. 1), 23-34.
Komi, P.V., Hyvarinen, T., Gollhofer, A. & Mero, A. (1986) Man-shoe
surface interaction: special problems during marathon running. Acta
Univ. Oulu AJ, 179, 69-72.
Komi, P.V., Kaneko, M. & Aura, O. (1987a) EMG activity of the leg
extensor muscles with special reference to mechanical efficiency in
consentric and eccentric e'?ercises. International Journal of Sports
MedicineJ 8 (suppl.), 22.
Komi, P.V., Karlsson, J., Tesch, P., suominen, H. & Heikkinen, E.
(1982) Effects of heavy resistance and explosive type strength
training methods on mechanical, functional and metabolic aspects of
performance. In P.V. Komi (ed.) Exercise and Sport Biology, pp.
90-102. Human Kinetics, Champaign, lllinois.
Komi, P.V., salonen, M., Jarvinen, M. & Kokko, 0. (1987b) In vivo
registration of Achilles tendon forces in man. I. Methodological
development. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 8 (suppl.),
Kyr?l?inen, H., Komi, P.V. & Kim, D.H. (1991) Effects of power
training on neuromuscular performance and mechanical efficiency.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports (in press).
Kyr?l?inen, H., Komi, P.V., Oksanen, P., Hakkinen, K., Cheng, S. &
Kim, D.H. (1990) Mechanical efficiency of locomotion in females
during different kinds of muscle action. European Journal of Applied
Physiology, 61, 446-52.
Nicol, C., Komi, P.V. & Marconnet, P. (1991a) Fatigue effects of
marathon running on neuromuscular performance. I. Changes in muscle
force and stiffness characteristics. Scandinavian Journal of
Medicine and Science in Sports, 1, 10-17.
Nicol, C., Komi, P. V. & Marconnet, P. (1991b) Fatigue effects of
marathon running on neuromuscular performance. II. Changes in force,
integrated electromyographic activity and endurance capacity
.Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 1, 18-24.
Norman, R.W. & Komi, P.V. (1979) Electromyographic delay in skeletal
muscle under normal movementconditions. Acta Physiologica
Scandinavica, 106,241.
Oksanen, P., Kyrolainen, H., Komi, P.V. & Aura, O. (1990) Estimation
of errors in mechanical efficiency . European Journal of Applied
Physiology, 61, 473-8.
Paavo V. Komi
2011: Rantalainen, T; Hoffrén, M; Linnamo, V;
Heinonen, A; Komi, PV; Avela, J; Nindl, BC
Three-month bilateral hopping
intervention is ineffective in initiating bone biomarker response in
healthy elderly men.
European journal of applied physiology 2011;111(9):2155-62.
2011: Hoffrén, M; Ishikawa, M; Rantalainen, T;
Avela, J; Komi, PV
Age-related muscle activation
profiles and joint stiffness regulation in repetitive hopping.
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of
the International Society of Electrophysiological
Kinesiology 2011;21(3):483-91.
2010: J Kallio; J Avela; T Moritani; M Kanervo; H
Sel?nne; P Komi; V Linnamo
Effects of ageing on motor unit
activation patterns and reflex sensitivity in dynamic movements.
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of
the International Society of Electrophysiological
Kinesiology 2010;20(4):590-8.
2010: Reijo Bottas; Kari Miettunen; Paavo V Komi;
Vesa Linnamo
Disturbed motor control of
rhythmic movement at 2 h and delayed after maximal eccentric
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of
the International Society of Electrophysiological
Kinesiology 2010;20(4):608-18.
2010: T Rantalainen; V Linnamo; P V Komi; H
Sel?nne; A Heinonen
Seventy-year-old habitual
volleyball players have larger tibial cross-sectional area and may
be differentiated from their age-matched peers by the osteogenic
index in dynamic performance.
European journal of applied physiology 2010;109(4):651-8.
2010: Neil J Cronin; Jussi Peltonen; Masaki
Ishikawa; Paavo V Komi; Janne Avela; Thomas Sinkjaer; Michael Voigt
Achilles tendon length changes
during walking in long-term diabetes patients.
Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon) 2010;25(5):476-82.
2010: Timo Rantalainen; Riku Nikander; Ari
Heinonen; Juhani Multanen; Arja H?kkinen; Timo J?ms?; Ilkka
Kiviranta; Vesa Linnamo; Paavo V Komi; Harri Siev?nen
Neuromuscular performance and
body mass as indices of bone loading in premenopausal and
postmenopausal women.
Bone 2010;46(4):964-9.
2009: T Rantalainen; H Siev?nen; V Linnamo; M
Hoffrén; M Ishikawa; H Kyr?l?inen; J Avela; H Sel?nne; P V Komi; A
Bone rigidity to neuromuscular
performance ratio in young and elderly men.
Bone 2009;45(5):956-63.
2009: Neil J Cronin; Masaki Ishikawa; Richard Af
Klint; Paavo V Komi; Janne Avela; Thomas Sinkjaer; Michael Voigt
Effects of prolonged walking on
neural and mechanical components of stretch responses in the human
soleus muscle.
The Journal of physiology 2009;587(Pt 17):4339-47.
2009: Neil J Cronin; Masaki Ishikawa; Michael J
Grey; Richard af Klint; Paavo V Komi; Janne Avela; Thomas Sinkjaer;
Michael Voigt
Mechanical and neural stretch
responses of the human soleus muscle at different walking speeds.
The Journal of physiology 2009;587(Pt 13):3375-82.
2009: Mikko Virmavirta; Juha Isolehto; Paavo Komi;
Hermann Schwameder; Fabio Pigozzi; Giuseppe Massazza
Take-off analysis of the
Olympic ski jumping competition (HS-106m).
Journal of biomechanics 2009;42(8):1095-101.
2009: Reijo Bottas; Caroline Nicol; Paavo V Komi;
Vesa Linnamo
Adaptive changes in motor
control of rhythmic movement after maximal eccentric actions.
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of
the International Society of Electrophysiological
Kinesiology 2009;19(2):347-56.
2009: A Galindo; J Barthèlemy; M Ishikawa; P
Chavet; V Martin; J Avela; P V Komi; C Nicol
Neuromuscular control in
landing from supra-maximal dropping height.
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. :
1985) 2009;106(2):539-47.
2008: Masaki Ishikawa; Paavo V Komi
Muscle fascicle and tendon
behavior during human locomotion revisited.
Exercise and sport sciences reviews 2008;36(4):193-9.
2008: H Piitulainen; R Kivel?; P Komi; H
Kainulainen; H Kyr?l?inen
Molecular adaptations of
voltage-gated sodium ion channel related proteins after fatiguing
stretch-shortening cycle exercise.
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in
sports 2008;18(5):636-42.
2008: Harri Piitulainen; Paavo Komi; Vesa Linnamo;
Janne Avela
Sarcolemmal excitability as
investigated with M-waves after eccentric exercise in humans.
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of
the International Society of Electrophysiological
Kinesiology 2008;18(4):672-81.
2008: Neil J Cronin; Jussi Peltonen; Masaki
Ishikawa; Paavo V Komi; Janne Avela; Thomas Sinkjaer; Michael Voigt
Effects of contraction
intensity on muscle fascicle and stretch reflex behavior in the
human triceps surae.
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. :
1985) 2008;105(1):226-32.
2008: Pekka V?h?s?yrinki; Paavo V Komi; Seppo
Sepp?l?; Masaki Ishikawa; Veli Kolehmainen; Jukka A Salmi; Vesa
Effect of skiing speed on ski
and pole forces in cross-country skiing.
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 2008;40(6):1111-6.
2008: Antti Mero; Riikka Raitanen; Joerg Birkmayer;
Paavo Komi
Effects of nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide hydride on physical and mental performance.
Journal of sports sciences 2008;26(3):311-9.
2008: T Rantalainen; A Heinonen; P V Komi; V
Neuromuscular performance and
bone structural characteristics in young healthy men and women.
European journal of applied physiology 2008;102(2):215-22.
2007: M Hoffrén; M Ishikawa; P V Komi
Age-related neuromuscular
function during drop jumps.
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. :
1985) 2007;103(4):1276-83.
2007: Riikka Kivel?; Heikki Kyr?l?inen; Harri
Sel?nne; Paavo V Komi; Heikki Kainulainen; Veikko Vihko
A single bout of exercise with
high mechanical loading induces the expression of Cyr61/CCN1 and
CTGF/CCN2 in human skeletal muscle.
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. :
1985) 2007;103(4):1395-401.
2007: M Ishikawa; P V Komi
The role of the stretch reflex
in the gastrocnemius muscle during human locomotion at various
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. :
1985) 2007;103(3):1030-6.
2007: Tuomas Liikavainio; Juha Isolehto; Heikki J
Helminen; Jarmo Perttunen; Vesa Lepola; Ilkka Kiviranta; Jari P A
Arokoski; Paavo V Komi
Loading and gait symmetry
during level and stair walking in asymptomatic subjects with knee
osteoarthritis: importance of quadriceps femoris in reducing impact
force during heel strike?
The Knee 2007;14(3):231-8.
2007: Erick Dousset; Janne Avela; Masaki Ishikawa;
Jouni Kallio; Sami Kuitunen; Heikki Kyr?láinen; Vesa Linnamo; Paavo
V Komi
Bimodal recovery pattern in
human skeletal muscle induced by exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 2007;39(3):453-60.
2007: S Kuitunen; H Kyr?l?inen; J Avela; P V Komi
Leg stiffness modulation during
exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle exercise.
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in
sports 2007;17(1):67-75.
2007: F Sousa; M Ishikawa; J P Vilas-Boas; P V Komi
Intensity- and muscle-specific
fascicle behavior during human drop jumps.
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. :
1985) 2007;102(1):382-9.
2006: Masaki Ishikawa; Paavo V Komi; Taija Finni;
Sami Kuitunen
Contribution of the tendinous
tissue to force enhancement during stretch-shortening cycle exercise
depends on the prestretch and concentric phase intensities.
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of
the International Society of Electrophysiological
Kinesiology 2006;16(5):423-31.
2006: Janne Avela; Jarkko Finni; Paavo V Komi
Excitability of the soleus
reflex arc during intensive stretch-shortening cycle exercise in two
power-trained athlete groups.
European journal of applied physiology 2006;97(4):486-93.
2006: M Ishikawa; E Dousset; J Avela; H Kyr?l?inen;
J Kallio; V Linnamo; S Kuitunen; C Nicol; P V Komi
Changes in the soleus muscle
architecture after exhausting stretch-shortening cycle exercise in
European journal of applied physiology 2006;97(3):298-306.
2006: M S Laaksonen; R Kivel?; H Kyr?l?inen; S
Sipil?; H Sel?nne; R Lautam?ki; P Nuutila; J Knuuti; K K
Kalliokoski; P V Komi
Effects of exhaustive
stretch-shortening cycle exercise on muscle blood flow during
Acta physiologica (Oxford, England) 2006;186(4):261-70.
2006: V Linnamo; V Strojnik; P V Komi
Maximal force during eccentric
and isometric actions at different elbow angles.
European journal of applied physiology 2006;96(6):672-8.
2006: Antti Mero; Sami Kuitunen; Martin Harland;
Heikki Kyr?l?inen; Paavo V Komi
Effects of muscle-tendon length
on joint moment and power during sprint starts.
Journal of sports sciences 2006;24(2):165-73.
2006: Caroline Nicol; Janne Avela; Paavo V Komi
The stretch-shortening cycle :
a model to study naturally occurring neuromuscular fatigue.
Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) 2006;36(11):977-99. Audemars Piguet Replica Watches
2005: Mikko Virmavirta; Juha Isolehto; Paavo Komi;
Gert-Peter Brüggemann; Erich Müller; Hermann Schwameder
Characteristics of the early
flight phase in the Olympic ski jumping competition.
Journal of biomechanics 2005;38(11):2157-63.
2005: Heikki Kyr?l?inen; Janne Avela; Paavo V Komi
Changes in muscle activity with
increasing running speed.
Journal of sports sciences 2005;23(10):1101-9.
2005: Vesa Linnamo; Arto Pakarinen; Paavo V Komi;
William J Kraemer; Keijo H?kkinen
Acute hormonal responses to
submaximal and maximal heavy resistance and explosive exercises in
men and women.
Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength &
Conditioning Association 2005;19(3):566-71.
2005: Masaki Ishikawa; Paavo V Komi; Michael J
Grey; Vesa Lepola; Gert-Peter Bruggemann
Muscle-tendon interaction and
elastic energy usage in human walking.
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. :
1985) 2005;99(2):603-8.
2005: K Ogiso; J M McBride; T Finni; P V Komi
Effects of effort and EMG
levels on short-latency stretch reflex modulation after varying
background muscle contractions.
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of
the International Society of Electrophysiological
Kinesiology 2005;15(4):333-40.
2005: M Ishikawa; E Niemel?; P V Komi
Interaction between fascicle
and tendinous tissues in short-contact stretch-shortening cycle
exercise with varying eccentric intensities.
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. :
1985) 2005;99(1):217-23.
2005: Reijo Bottas; Vesa Linnamo; Caroline Nicol;
Paavo V Komi
Repeated maximal eccentric
actions causes long-lasting disturbances in movement control.
European journal of applied physiology 2005;94(1-2):62-9.
2005: H Kyr?l?inen; J Avela; J M McBride; S
Koskinen; J L Andersen; S Sipil?; T E S Takala; P V Komi
Effects of power training on
muscle structure and neuromuscular performance.
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in
sports 2005;15(1):58-64. Ulysse Nardin Replica Watches
2004: J Kallio; V Linnamo; P V Komi
The effects of muscle history
on short latency stretch reflex response of soleus muscle.
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of
the International Society of Electrophysiological
Kinesiology 2004;14(3):411-21.
2004: Janne Avela; Taija Finni; Tuomas Liikavainio;
Elina Niemel?; Paavo V Komi
Neural and mechanical responses
of the triceps surae muscle group after 1 h of repeated fast passive
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. :
1985) 2004;96(6):2325-32.
2004: Sami Kuitunen; J Avela; H Kyr?l?inen; P V
Voluntary activation and
mechanical performance of human triceps surae muscle after
exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle jumping exercise.
European journal of applied physiology 2004;91(5-6):538-44.
2004: Masaki Ishikawa; Paavo V Komi
Effects of different dropping
intensities on fascicle and tendinous tissue behavior during
stretch-shortening cycle exercise.
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. :
1985) 2004;96(3):848-52.
2004: H Kyr?l?inen; J Avela; J M McBride; S
Koskinen; J L Andersen; S Sipil?; T E S Takala; P V Komi
Effects of power training on
mechanical efficiency in jumping.
European journal of applied physiology 2004;91(2-3):155-9.
2004: J R Perttunen; E Anttila; J S?derg?rd; J
Merikanto; P V Komi
Gait asymmetry in patients with
limb length discrepancy.
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in
sports 2004;14(1):49-56.
2003: T Finni; H Kyr?l?inen; J Avela; P V Komi
Maximal but not submaximal
performance is reduced by constant-speed 10-km run.
The Journal of sports medicine and physical
fitness 2003;43(4):411-7.
2003: C Nicol; S Kuitunen; H Kyr?l?inen; J Avela; P
V Komi
Effects of long- and short-term
fatiguing stretch-shortening cycle exercises on reflex EMG and force
of the tendon-muscle complex.
European journal of applied physiology 2003;90(5-6):470-9.
2003: H T Pitk?nen; S S Oja; H Rusko; A Nummela; P
V Komi; P Saransaari; T Takala; A A Mero
Leucine supplementation does
not enhance acute strength or running performance but affects serum
amino acid concentration.
Amino acids 2003;25(1):85-94.
2003: M Ishikawa; T Finni; P V Komi
Behaviour of vastus lateralis
muscle-tendon during high intensity SSC exercises in vivo.
Acta physiologica Scandinavica 2003;178(3):205-13.
2003: Jarmo R Perttunen; Esa Anttila; Jerker
S?derg?rd; Juhani Merikanto; Paavo V Komi
Effect of intramedullary
gradual elongation of the shorter limb on gait patterns.
Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric
Society 2003;45(3):324-32.
2003: Hannu T Pitkanen; Tarja Nykanen; Juha
Knuutinen; Kaisa Lahti; Olavi Keinanen; Markku Alen; Paavo V Komi;
Antti A Mero
Free amino acid pool and muscle
protein balance after resistance exercise.
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 2003;35(5):784-92.
2003: H Kyr?l?inen; T Finni; J Avela; P V Komi
Neuromuscular behaviour of the
triceps surae muscle-tendon complex during running and jumping.
International journal of sports medicine 2003;24(3):153-5.
2003: T Finni; S Ikegawa; V Lepola; P V Komi
Comparison of force-velocity
relationships of vastus lateralis muscle in isokinetic and in
stretch-shortening cycle exercises.
Acta physiologica Scandinavica 2003;177(4):483-91.
2003: T Horita; P V Komi; I H?m?l?inen; J Avela
Exhausting stretch-shortening
cycle (SSC) exercise causes greater impairment in SSC performance
than in pure concentric performance.
European journal of applied physiology 2003;88(6):527-34.
2003: V Linnamo; T Moritani; C Nicol; P V Komi
Motor unit activation patterns
during isometric, concentric and eccentric actions at different
force levels.
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of
the International Society of Electrophysiological
Kinesiology 2003;13(1):93-101.
2003: Heikki Kyrolainen; Riikka Kivela; Satu
Koskinen; Jeff McBride; Jesper L Andersen; Timo Takala; Sarianna
Sipila; Paavo V Komi
Interrelationships between
muscle structure, muscle strength, and running economy.
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 2003;35(1):45-9.
2002: H Pitk?nen; A Mero; S S Oja; P V Komi; P J
P?ntinen; P Saransaari; T Takala
Serum amino acid responses to
three different exercise sessions in male power athletes.
The Journal of sports medicine and physical
fitness 2002;42(4):472-80.
2002: S Kuitunen; J Avela; H Kyr?l?inen; C Nicol; P
V Komi
Acute and prolonged reduction
in joint stiffness in humans after exhausting stretch-shortening
cycle exercise.
European journal of applied physiology 2002;88(1-2):107-16.
2002: T Horita; P V Komi; C Nicol; H Kyr?l?inen
Interaction between pre-landing
activities and stiffness regulation of the knee joint
musculoskeletal system in the drop jump: implications to
European journal of applied physiology 2002;88(1-2):76-84.
2002: Hannu Pitkanen; Antti Mero; Simo S Oja; Paavo
V Komi; Heikki Rusko; Ari Nummela; Pirjo Saransaari; Timo Takala
Effects of training on the
exercise-induced changes in serum amino acids and hormones.
Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength &
Conditioning Association 2002;16(3):390-8.
2002: Teemu Pullinen; Antti Mero; Pirkko Huttunen;
Arto Pakarinen; Paavo V Komi
Hormonal responses to a
resistance exercise performed under the influence of delayed onset
muscle soreness.
Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength &
Conditioning Association 2002;16(3):383-9.
2002: Teemu Pullinen; Antti Mero; Pirkko Huttunen;
Arto Pakarinen; Paavo V Komi
Resistance exercise-induced
hormonal responses in men, women, and pubescent boys.
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 2002;34(5):806-13.
2002: V Linnamo; V Strojnik; P V Komi
EMG power spectrum and features
of the superimposed M-wave during voluntary eccentric and concentric
actions at different activation levels.
European journal of applied physiology 2002;86(6):534-40.
2002: Heikki Kauhanen; Paavo V Komi; Keijo H?kkinen
Standardization and validation
of the body weight adjustment regression equations in Olympic
Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength &
Conditioning Association 2002;16(1):58-74.
2002: K Ogiso; J M McBride; T Finni; P V Komi
Stretch-reflex mechanical
response to varying types of previous muscle activities.
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of
the International Society of Electrophysiological
Kinesiology 2002;12(1):27-36.
2002: K Ogiso; J M McBride; T Finni; P V Komi
Short-latency stretch reflex
modulation in response to varying soleus muscle activities.
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of
the International Society of Electrophysiological
Kinesiology 2002;12(1):17-26.
2002: Sami Kuitunen; Paavo V Komi; Heikki
Knee and ankle joint stiffness
in sprint running.
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 2002;34(1):166-73.
2001: T Finni; S Ikegawa; P V Komi
Concentric force enhancement
during human movement.
Acta physiologica Scandinavica 2001;173(4):369-77.
2001: M Virmavirta; P V Komi
Ski jumping boots limit
effective take-off in ski jumping.
Journal of sports sciences 2001;19(12):961-8.
2001: V Linnamo; V Strojnik; P V Komi
Electromyogram power spectrum
and features of the superimposed maximal M-wave during voluntary
isometric actions in humans at different activation levels.
European journal of applied physiology 2001;86(1):28-33.
2001: M Virmavirta; P V Komi
Plantar pressure and EMG
activity of simulated and actual ski jumping take-off.
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in
sports 2001;11(5):310-4.
2001: J Avela; H Kyr?l?inen; P V Komi
Neuromuscular changes after
long-lasting mechanically and electrically elicited fatigue.
European journal of applied physiology 2001;85(3-4):317-25.
2001: H Kyr?l?inen; A Belli; P V Komi
Biomechanical factors affecting
running economy.
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 2001;33(8):1330-7.
2001: T Finni; P V Komi; V Lepola
In vivo muscle mechanics during
locomotion depend on movement amplitude and contraction intensity.
European journal of applied physiology 2001;85(1-2):170-6.
2001: M Virmavirta; J Kivek?s; P V Komi
Take-off aerodynamics in ski
Journal of biomechanics 2001;34(4):465-70.
2001: M Virmavirta; J Perttunen; P V Komi
EMG activities and plantar
pressures during ski jumping take-off on three different sized
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of
the International Society of Electrophysiological
Kinesiology 2001;11(2):141-7.
2001: V Linnamo; V Strojnik; P V Komi
EMG power spectrum and maximal
M-wave during eccentric and concentric actions at different force
Acta physiologica et pharmacologica Bulgarica 2001;26(1-2):33-6.
2000: V Linnamo; R U Newton; K H?kkinen; P V Komi;
A Davie; M McGuigan; T Triplett-McBride
Neuromuscular responses to
explosive and heavy resistance loading.
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of
the International Society of Electrophysiological
Kinesiology 2000;10(6):417-24.
2000: T Finni; P V Komi; V Lepola
In vivo human triceps surae and
quadriceps femoris muscle function in a squat jump and counter
movement jump.
European journal of applied physiology 2000;83(4 -5):416-26.
2000: P V Komi; V Linnamo; P Silventoinen; M
Force and EMG power spectrum
during eccentric and concentric actions.
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 2000;32(10):1757-62.
2000: V Linnamo; R Bottas; P V Komi
Force and EMG power spectrum
during and after eccentric and concentric fatigue.
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of
the International Society of Electrophysiological
Kinesiology 2000;10(5):293-300.
2000: P V Komi
Stretch-shortening cycle: a
powerful model to study normal and fatigued muscle.
Journal of biomechanics 2000;33(10):1197-206.
2000: J R Perttunen; H Nieminen; E Tukiainen; H
Kuokkanen; S Asko-Seljavaara; P V Komi
Asymmetry of gait after free
flap reconstruction of severe tibial fractures with extensive
soft-tissue damage.
Scandinavian journal of plastic and reconstructive surgery and hand
surgery / Nordisk plastikkirurgisk forening [and] Nordisk klubb for
handkirurgi 2000;34(3):237-43.
2000: H Kyr?l?inen; T Pullinen; R Candau; J Avela;
P Huttunen; P V Komi
Effects of marathon running on
running economy and kinematics.
European journal of applied physiology 2000;82(4):297-304.
2000: V Strojnik; P V Komi
Fatigue after submaximal
intensive stretch-shortening cycle exercise.
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 2000;32(7):1314-9.
2000: T Pullinen; P Huttunen; P V Komi
Plasma catecholamine responses
and neural adaptation during short-term resistance training.
European journal of applied physiology 2000;82(1-2):68-75.
2000: J O Perttunen; H Kyr?l?inen; P V Komi; A
Biomechanical loading in the
triple jump.
Journal of sports sciences 2000;18(5):363-70.
1999: T Pullinen; C Nicol; E MacDonald; P V Komi
Plasma catecholamine responses
to four resistance exercise tests in men and women.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1999;80(2):125-31.
1999: J Avela; H Kyr?l?inen; P V Komi; D Rama
Reduced reflex sensitivity
persists several days after long-lasting stretch-shortening cycle
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. :
1985) 1999;86(4):1292-300.
1999: J Avela; H Kyr?l?inen; P V Komi
Altered reflex sensitivity
after repeated and prolonged passive muscle stretching.
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. :
1985) 1999;86(4):1283-91.
1999: T Horita; P V Komi; C Nicol; H Kyr?l?inen
Effect of exhausting
stretch-shortening cycle exercise on the time course of mechanical
behaviour in the drop jump: possible role of muscle damage.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1999;79(2):160-7.
1998: C Nicol; P V Komi
Significance of passively
induced stretch reflexes on achilles tendon force enhancement.
Muscle & nerve 1998;21(11):1546-8.
1998: J Avela; P V Komi
Reduced stretch reflex
sensitivity and muscle stiffness after long-lasting
stretch-shortening cycle exercise in humans.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1998;78(5):403-10.
1998: J Avela; P V Komi
Interaction between muscle
stiffness and stretch reflex sensitivity after long-term
stretch-shortening cycle exercise.
Muscle & nerve 1998;21(9):1224-7.
1998: T Pullinen; A Mero; E MacDonald; A Pakarinen;
P V Komi
Plasma catecholamine and serum
testosterone responses to four units of resistance exercise in young
and adult male athletes.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1998;77(5):413-20.
1998: H Kyr?l?inen; T E Takala; P V Komi
Muscle damage induced by
stretch-shortening cycle exercise.
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 1998;30(3):415-20.
1998: T Finni; P V Komi; J Lukkariniemi
Achilles tendon loading during
walking: application of a novel optic fiber technique.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1998;77(3):289-91.
1998: V Linnamo; K H?kkinen; P V Komi
Neuromuscular fatigue and
recovery in maximal compared to explosive strength loading.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1998;77(1-2):176-81.
1998: V Strojnik; P V Komi
Neuromuscular fatigue after
maximal stretch-shortening cycle exercise.
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. :
1985) 1998;84(1):344-50.
1997: A Mero; H Pitk?nen; S S Oja; P V Komi; P
P?ntinen; T Takala
Leucine supplementation and
serum amino acids, testosterone, cortisol and growth hormone in male
power athletes during training.
The Journal of sports medicine and physical
fitness 1997;37(2):137-45.
1996: J Avela; P M Santos; P V Komi
Effects of differently induced
stretch loads on neuromuscular control in drop jump exercise.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1996;72(5-6):553-62.
1996: C Nicol; P V Komi; T Horita; H Kyr?l?inen; T
E Takala
Reduced stretch-reflex
sensitivity after exhausting stretch-shortening cycle exercise.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1996;72(5-6):401-9.
1996: P V Komi; A Belli; V Huttunen; R Bonnefoy; A
Geyssant; J R Lacour
Optic fibre as a transducer of
tendomuscular forces.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1996;72(3):278-80.
1996: T Horita; P V Komi; C Nicol; H Kyr?l?inen
Stretch shortening cycle
fatigue: interactions among joint stiffness, reflex, and muscle
mechanical performance in the drop jump [corrected].
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1996;73(5):393-403.
1995: H Kyr?l?inen; P V Komi; A Belli
Mechanical efficiency in
athletes during running.
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in
sports 1995;5(4):200-8.
1995: H Kyr?l?inen; P V Komi
The function of neuromuscular
system in maximal stretch-shortening cycle exercises: Comparison
between power- and endurance-trained athletes.
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of
the International Society of Electrophysiological
Kinesiology 1995;5(1):15-25.
1995: S Fukashiro; P V Komi; M J?rvinen; M
In vivo Achilles tendon loading
during jumping in humans.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1995;71(5):453-8.
1995: H Kyr?l?inen; P V Komi
Differences in mechanical
efficiency between power- and endurance-trained athletes while
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1995;70(1):36-44.
1994: H Kyr?l?inen; P V Komi
Stretch reflex responses
following mechanical stimulation in power- and endurance-trained
International journal of sports medicine 1994;15(6):290-4.
1994: J Avela; P M Santos; H Kyr?l?inen; P V Komi
Effects of different simulated
gravity conditions on neuromuscular control in drop jump exercises.
Aviation, space, and environmental medicine 1994;65(4):301-8.
1994: H Kyr?l?inen; P V Komi
Neuromuscular performance of
lower limbs during voluntary and reflex activity in power- and
endurance-trained athletes.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1994;69(3):233-9.
1993: P V Komi; T Hyv?rinen; A Gollhofer; M Kvist
[Biomechanical considerations
of impact forces and foot stability in running].
Sportverletzung Sportschaden : Organ der Gesellschaft für
Orthop?disch-Traumatologische Sportmedizin 1993;7(4):179-82.
1993: A Belli; J Avela; P V Komi
Mechanical energy assessment
with different methods during running.
International journal of sports medicine 1993;14(5):252-6.
1992: P V Komi; S Fukashiro; M J?rvinen
Biomechanical loading of
Achilles tendon during normal locomotion.
Clinics in sports medicine 1992;11(3):521-31.
1992: A Mero; P V Komi; R J Gregor
Biomechanics of sprint running.
A review.
Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) 1992;13(6):376-92.
1992: T Busso; K H?kkinen; A Pakarinen; H Kauhanen;
P V Komi; J R Lacour
Hormonal adaptations and
modelled responses in elite weightlifters during 6 weeks of
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1992;64(4):381-6.
1991: A Mero; L Jaakkola; P V Komi
Relationships between muscle
fibre characteristics and physical performance capacity in trained
athletic boys.
Journal of sports sciences 1991;9(2):161-71.
1991: K H?kkinen; M Kallinen; P V Komi; H Kauhanen
Neuromuscular adaptations
during short-term "normal" and reduced training periods in strength
Electromyography and clinical neurophysiology 1991;31(1):35-42.
1990: K H?kkinen; A Pakarinen; H Kyr?l?inen; S
Cheng; D H Kim; P V Komi
Neuromuscular adaptations and
serum hormones in females during prolonged power training.
International journal of sports medicine 1990;11(2):91-8.
1990: A Mero; H Kauhanen; E Peltola; T Vuorimaa; P
V Komi
Physiological performance
capacity in different prepubescent athletic groups.
The Journal of sports medicine and physical
fitness 1990;30(1):57-66.
1990: A Mero; L Jaakkola; P V Komi
Serum hormones and physical
performance capacity in young boy athletes during a 1-year training
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1990;60(1):32-7.
1990: A Mero; P V Komi
Reaction time and
electromyographic activity during a sprint start.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1990;61(1-2):73-80.
1990: T Busso; K H?kkinen; A Pakarinen; C Carasso;
J R Lacour; P V Komi; H Kauhanen
A systems model of training
responses and its relationship to hormonal responses in elite
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1990;61(1-2):48-54.
1990: P V Komi
Relevance of in vivo force
measurements to human biomechanics.
Journal of biomechanics 1990;23 Suppl 1():23-34.
1990: P Oksanen; H Kyr?l?inen; P V Komi; O Aura
Estimation of errors in
mechanical efficiency.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1990;61(5-6):473-8.
1990: H Kyr?l?inen; P V Komi; P Oksanen; K
H?kkinen; S Cheng; D H Kim
Mechanical efficiency of
locomotion in females during different kinds of muscle action.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1990;61(5-6):446-52.
1989: K L Keskinen; P V Komi; H Rusko
A comparative study of blood
lactate tests in swimming.
International journal of sports medicine 1989;10(3):197-201.
1989: A Mero; L Jaakkola; P V Komi
Neuromuscular, metabolic and
hormonal profiles of young tennis players and untrained boys.
Journal of sports sciences 1989;7(2):95-100.
1989: K H?kkinen; K L Keskinen; M Alén; P V Komi; H
Serum hormone concentrations
during prolonged training in elite endurance-trained and
strength-trained athletes.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1989;59(3):233-8.
1989: S Cheng; P V Komi; H Kyr?l?inen; D H Kim; K
In vivo vibrational wave
propagation in human tibiae at different ages.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1989;59(1-2):128-30.
1988: K H?kkinen; A Pakarinen; M Alén; H Kauhanen;
P V Komi
Daily hormonal and
neuromuscular responses to intensive strength training in 1 week.
International journal of sports medicine 1988;9(6):422-8.
1988: K H?kkinen; A Pakarinen; M Alen; H Kauhanen;
P V Komi
Neuromuscular and hormonal
adaptations in athletes to strength training in two years.
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. :
1985) 1988;65(6):2406-12.
1988: M Alén; A Pakarinen; K H?kkinen; P V Komi
Responses of serum
androgenic-anabolic and catabolic hormones to prolonged strength
International journal of sports medicine 1988;9(3):229-33.
1988: K H?kkinen; H Kauhanen; P V Komi
Effects of fatiguing loading
with a variable resistance equipment on neural activation and force
production of the knee extensor muscles.
Electromyography and clinical neurophysiology 1988;28(2-3):79-87.
1988: K H?kkinen; A Pakarinen; M Alén; H Kauhanen;
P V Komi
Neuromuscular and hormonal
responses in elite athletes to two successive strength training
sessions in one day.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1988;57(2):133-9.
1988: A Pakarinen; M Alén; K H?kkinen; P Komi
Serum thyroid hormones,
thyrotropin and thyroxine binding globulin during prolonged strength
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1988;57(4):394-8.
1987: K H?kkinen; H Kauhanen; P V Komi
Aerobic, anaerobic, assistant
exercise and weightlifting performance capacities in elite
The Journal of sports medicine and physical
fitness 1987;27(2):240-6.
1987: A Gollhofer; P V Komi; M Miyashita; O Aura
Fatigue during
stretch-shortening cycle exercises: changes in mechanical
performance of human skeletal muscle.
International journal of sports medicine 1987;8(2):71-8.
1987: S Fukashiro; P V Komi
Joint moment and mechanical
power flow of the lower limb during vertical jump.
International journal of sports medicine 1987;8 Suppl 1():15-21.
1987: A Mero; P V Komi; H Rusko; J Hirvonen
Neuromuscular and anaerobic
performance of sprinters at maximal and supramaximal speed.
International journal of sports medicine 1987;8 Suppl 1():55-60.
1987: O Aura; P V Komi
Effects of muscle fiber
distribution on the mechanical efficiency of human locomotion.
International journal of sports medicine 1987;8 Suppl 1():30-7.
1987: P V Komi; M Kaneko; O Aura
EMG activity of the leg
extensor muscles with special reference to mechanical efficiency in
concentric and eccentric exercise.
International journal of sports medicine 1987;8 Suppl 1():22-9.
1987: K H?kkinen; A Pakarinen; M Alén; H Kauhanen;
P V Komi
Relationships between training
volume, physical performance capacity, and serum hormone
concentrations during prolonged training in elite weight lifters.
International journal of sports medicine 1987;8 Suppl 1():61-5.
1987: K H?kkinen; P V Komi; M Alén; H Kauhanen
EMG, muscle fibre and force
production characteristics during a 1 year training period in elite
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1987;56(4):419-27.
1986: O Aura; P V Komi
Effects of prestretch intensity
on mechanical efficiency of positive work and on elastic behavior of
skeletal muscle in stretch-shortening cycle exercise.
International journal of sports medicine 1986;7(3):137-43.
1986: K H?kkinen; P V Komi; H Kauhanen
Electromyographic and force
production characteristics of leg extensor muscles of elite weight
lifters during isometric, concentric, and various stretch-shortening
cycle exercises.
International journal of sports medicine 1986;7(3):144-51.
1986: O Aura; P V Komi
Mechanical efficiency of pure
positive and pure negative work with special reference to the work
International journal of sports medicine 1986;7(1):44-9.
1986: O Aura; P V Komi
The mechanical efficiency of
locomotion in men and women with special emphasis on
stretch-shortening cycle exercises.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1986;55(1):37-43.
1985: K H?kkinen; A Pakarinen; M Alén; P V Komi
Serum hormones during prolonged
training of neuromuscular performance.
European journal of applied physiology and occupational
physiology 1985;53(4):287-93.
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